The transparent header functionality lets you give your visitors a pleasant and consistent experience, by offering an option for the main hero section of the page to be full bleed beneath the header. This lets you showcase your designs easier and give your visitors a sense of place on the website.
Activating & configuring the transparent header
To activate the functionality, simply navigate to the Customiser -> Header -> Headers -> Global Header (or name of the header) and check the “Transparency functionality” box.
As you can see, after activating the transparency functionality, the header takes on the background of the main hero section of your website. It also works great with our built in hero sections for blog posts, pages and more, if you want to go that route.
Display Conditions
This feature lets you select which pages will have the transparency functionality activated on. You should be familiar with our conditional module, and with this, you get super powers. You can include or exclude pages, posts, products. Even base the conditions on the current language, or the user’s role. Possibilities are endless.