Getting Started with Theme Blocks

Blocksy’s Gutenberg blocks in action.

Boost your website’s power and flexibility with Blocksy 2’s fresh set of Gutenberg blocks. These versatile tools seamlessly integrate into any page or post, adding valuable functionality wherever you need it.

These blocks are readily available within the Gutenberg editor, with nothing to activate or configure.

List of Available Blocks

  • About Me: Showcase yourself in style with a dedicated “About Me” block, complete with social media connection options.
  • Advanced Posts: Take control of post listings anywhere on your site using the Advanced Posts block.
  • Advanced Search: Integrate a simple yet powerful search bar directly into your pages with the Advanced Search block.
  • Breadcrumbs: Enhance user navigation by incorporating the Breadcrumbs block to display the website’s location hierarchy.
  • Contact Info: Make it easy for visitors to connect with you by displaying your contact information (phone number, email, etc.) using the Contact Info block.
  • Content Block: Want to embed a pre-designed Blocksy Content Block seamlessly within your content? The Content Block allows you to do just that.
  • Dynamic Data: Craft truly dynamic content by leveraging the Dynamic Data block to pull in elements like post titles, authors, or meta data.
  • Newsletter: Streamline your email marketing efforts with the Newsletter block, which integrates with the Blocksy Newsletter Subscribe extension.
  • Share Box: Encourage social sharing by making it easy for users to share your content on their favorite networks with the Share Box block.
  • Socials: Make your social media presence readily accessible with the Socials block, allowing you to display your social network links.
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