Getting Started with Extensions

Blocksy has a plethora of Extensions that enhance the user experience of your website by adding extra functionality. You can find the Extensions panel inside of the Blocksy Dashboard, after activating the Blocksy Companion plugin.

Free Extensions

  1. Cookies Consent – enable a Cookie acceptance box, that ties in nicely with the Google Analytics integration that we’ve built into Blocksy. Activate this extension in order to comply with the privacy regulations in your country.
  2. Newsletter Subscribe – add a newsletter form to your website.
  3. Product Reviews – easily add a new post type that lets you build an amazing affiliate marketing type of website.
  4. Trending Posts – show the most popular posts or products from your website, with a handy section that’s always present throughout the website.

Pro Extensions

  1. Adobe Fonts – integrate your Adobe Fonts collection with Blocksy. All your fonts available at a moment’s notice.
  2. Custom Code Snippets – inject powerful code snippets into your website, or on a per post/page basis.
  3. Custom Fonts – upload your custom fonts collection, straight from your computer, and use them with Blocksy.
  4. Local Google Fonts – serve Google Fonts straight from your server. Cut down on external requests and improve the privacy of your visitors.
  5. Advanced Menu – create beautiful menus by adding Content Blocks, Headings and more to your menus
  6. Multiple Sidebars – create separate set of widgets and assign them using our Conditional dialogue box.
  7. White Label – hide Blocksy’s branding or replace it with your own. Only available in the Agency package.
  8. WooCommerce Extra – enable new features for the shop section of your website, like additional gallery formats, Product Quick View and more!
  9. Shortcuts Bar – enable app-like navigation for your website.
  10. Post Types Extra – add new functionality to all of your posts, including CPTs!
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