Archives Documentation


Manage Options

Quick Look With Blocksy, you can easily transfer your customisation settings between different installations. For example, you have your own staging localhost environment, where you have made some changes and want to quickly transfer them to the production version. Blocksy…

Filters Canvas

The Filters Canvas area introduces a modern and user-friendly approach to showcasing product filtering options on your WooCommerce store. This innovative feature designates a dedicated area that remains hidden upon initial page load, contributing to a cleaner and more streamlined…

Floating Cart

The Floating Cart element comes in really handy if you wish for your customer to always have access to the streamlined call to action section, including the Product Title and Add to Cart button. This section will appear when the…

Quick View

The Quick View extension lets your visitors quickly browse your available products and make quick decisions. It is extremely helpful if your visitors want to quickly find additional information about your products, without navigating away from the product listing page…

Product Archives

Creating your main Shop page with Blocksy is simple. We’ve designed the Product Archives section of the customizer just for that, letting even the most pretentious web designer achieve beautiful results. The advantage of doing it this way is that…

Getting Started with WooCommerce

Blocksy has full support for the popular WooCommerce product in order to transform your website into an amazing online shop, elevating the experience for your shoppers and providing neat features that add that cherry on top. To get started with…

Sticky Header

If your header needs to show important information to your visitors, that should be available all the times, no matter what the user is doing on the site, then you should turn on the Sticky Header feature. The Sticky Header…

Transparent Header

The transparent header functionality lets you give your visitors a pleasant and consistent experience, by offering an option for the main hero section of the page to be full bleed beneath the header. This lets you showcase your designs easier…

Scroll to Top

Quick Look Scroll to Top displays a convenient button for your visitors to quickly get back to the top of the page. A smooth scrolling animation also makes this feature a please to use. It can be activated from inside…