Submitting a Support Ticket

In case you haven’t been able to find the answer through our Documentation articles, we encourage you to submit a support ticket, where you will be able to interact directly with the support & development team.

Here are some guidelines to check before submitting your ticket:

  • Make sure Blocksy is up to date. Updating Blocksy and its Companion plugin to their latest versions confirms that the issue you’re reporting has not been fixed in the mean time.
  • Using a caching system? Make sure you have cleared out all the caches and regenerated any CSS/JS files that might be processed. A lot of issues happen usually after an update which can be easily solved by doing this.
  • Write your ticket as detailed as possible. Giving us as many details as possible and even including some screenshots or a short video will already solve half of the problem. We will know where to start investigating and we will skip the guessing game.

You are ready to submit a ticket! Go to our Support Center here — and complete the form. 😊 Our agents will be ready to help you right away.

In case your issue requires a more advanced and thorough investigation, we might ask for Temporary Access to your WordPress Dashboard. This is done via a third party plugin [] and creates a temporary user that can log in to the dashboard without typing in a password or doing anything special. This plugin has been specifically limited to prevent abuse, so security is on point.

Creating a Temporary Login
Not the solution you are looking for?

Please check other articles or open a support ticket.