Archives Documentation


Size Guide

Any customer should have an easy time in making a decision when purchasing items from your shop that require fitting to a specific scenario. For example, customers browsing for clothing articles might want to find out if a specific size…

Product Filters

The Product Filters extension for WooCommerce offer an extensive solution for quickly letting your visitors filter their products by category or by an attribute that has been added to the product listings. They are very easy to work with, so…

Custom Tabs

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could present additional information about a specific product or group of products, in a clean, concise and compact way? With the Custom Tabs sub-extension, you can! The Custom Tabs sub-extension will let you add…


The Compare header element lets you trigger the comparison view table, that’s brought on by the Compare View Shop Extra sub-extension. Granular Controls Icon Source This section simply lets you control the visual icon representation of the header element. You…

Compare View

Whenever your users come across a few products that they might find similar looking, a comparison between them must be made in order for the user to make the best decision possible. The Compare View sub-extension lets your visitors do…

Content Blocks – “No Results” Template

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a customised version of the “no results” page, whenever a visitor’s search query returns no good matches? Maybe you may want to redirect your users to something interesting, or present a nice graphic letting…

Featured Videos

WordPress and WooCommerce have long offered featured image options for posts and products, respectively. These images act as visual representatives, appearing in post archives, social media shares, and potentially as hero banners atop your content. But what if you could…

Copying Options

If you have a site with lots of post types, you may want to make it look consistent across. You might want to copy the post options from blog posts to your other CPTs. With Blocksy, you can with a…