Archives Documentation


Self-diagnosis guidelines

Did you ever find yourself in a dead end when trying to diagnose an issue? Sure, our support section will help you out, either by reading the documentation, watching our tutorial videos or simply contacting our support staff. But sometimes,…

Mixed Content warnings in console

You might’ve seen errors such as the ones from above when installing a Blocksy website. The web browser might complain about some specific files from Blocksy and other third party software as being insecure and blocked from loading, thus making…

Entry Content

The Entry Content pane lets you define a few options, such as the spacing between each Gutenberg block as well as the link decoration for unstylised links throughout your website. Content Spacing This option is easy to understand. Many (core)…

Widget Area

The Widget Area element is extremely simple to understand and has no configuration options. It simply lets you add any kind of Gutenberg-based or classic widget to one of the header rows, or right inside the off canvas area. Super…


The Socials footer element is super sleek and lets you showcase your social network connections for your users to connect to. It is super easy to configure, so follow along. Note!Social network accounts can be configured from the Customiser ->…

Search Box (Footer)

The Search Box element lets your users search for content right from the footer, in case they’ve reached the page end and want to look for more information on your website. Granular Controls Placeholder Text The search form has some…