Add a custom social network

In case our list of social networks doesn’t cut it, you can always add your very own using this little snippet. The SVG is recommended to be in-line.

add_filter('blocksy:social-box:dynamic-social-networks', function ($networks) {
	$networks[] = [
		'id' => 'clubhouse',
		'name' => __('Clubhouse', 'blocksy'),
		'icon' => ' <svg
		  viewBox="0 0 20 20">
			<path d="M20,10.1c0-5.5-4.5-10-10-10S0,4.5,0,10.1c0,5,3.7,9.1,8.4,9.9v-7H5.9v-2.9h2.5V7.9C8.4,5.4,9.9,4,12.2,4c1.1,0,2.2,0.2,2.2,0.2v2.5h-1.3c-1.2,0-1.6,0.8-1.6,1.6v1.9h2.8L13.9,13h-2.3v7C16.3,19.2,20,15.1,20,10.1z"/>

	return $networks;
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