Conditions Module

The Conditions Module comes in really handy if you wish to have some parts of Blocksy be displayed only under certain conditions. Having such a powerful feature will let you achieve fully dynamic websites and let you differentiate yourself from the competition.

You can find this module throughout Blocksy in places such as:

  • Header Builder
  • Footer Builder
  • Multiple Sidebars
  • Content Blocks
  • Trending Posts Extension
  • Shortcuts Bar Extension
  • and more!

There are also some very nice enhancements in Blocksy 2 that let you set up advanced relationships between these conditions by grouping them with the AND condition and having more complex setups altogether.

More Details

As you can see, the conditions manager has been greatly enhanced. In this particular example, the action would be performed if condition A or condition B + C are met. Pretty simple to understand.

The conditions available can target things such as normal pages or posts, a specific category of posts, WooCommerce products, if the user might be logged in or out or even the user role. There are also some nice to have conditions, such as targeting a specific date/time range or even programming it to target recurring days. And the cherry on top is that you can now target external factors, such as which website referred the target, if they have set a cookie when referring or target the request URL.

Feel free to explore the options and see which ones work best for you.

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