In some specific use cases, you might find yourself in a deadlock. Images that are generated by Blocksy, such as product galleries and featured images, featured images for archives and so on can look blurry on some setups.
There’s actually nothing wrong with the website. You just need to select the correct image resolution that’s loaded, so that the images look good on any kind of device, no matter of its screen density.
Let’s check out how you can adjust these, depending on the post type you’re trying to adjust. We recommend increasing the value to around 800-1000, but it totally depends on your target audience.
Product Archives

The place to modify the image size for Product Archives can be found under the Customiser -> Product Archives -> Card Options -> Product Image.
Single Products

The place to modify the image size for Single Products can be found under the Customiser -> Single Product -> Gallery Options -> Image Size.
Blog Archives

The place to modify the image size for Blog Archives can be found under the Customiser -> Blog Posts -> Card Options -> Featured Image.
Single Post Featured Image

The place to modify the image size for the Single Post Featured Image layer can be found under the Customiser -> Single Post -> Featured Image -> Image Size.
Please note that the same options as for the blog posts apply to any CPT you might have. Support is fully baked in.