Custom Post Types

Quick Look

Custom CPT support in Blocksy’s Customiser

By default, WordPress provides the “posts” post type. This is great, but some setups might require categorising posts differently. The Custom Post Types feature of WordPress comes into play here, letting you create your very own post type, in addition to the built-in ones to WordPress.

Creating your own CPT

Creating a new Custom Post Type can be achieved in a few ways —

  • using a specialised plugin, such as CPT UI
  • using PHP code
  • using a plugin that automatically incorporates its own CPT
Handling CPTs in Blocksy

As you can see, Blocksy should automatically detect any properly implemented CPT and present the options for their archive pages, as well as singulars. These options are very similar to what the classic “posts” post type presents, and also inherits all of the features from that, such as support for custom fields from the Post Types Extra extension and the ability to create personalised designs, using the template replacement engine that’s found in our Pro package.

More Information

Of course, if you’re a Blocksy free user, you might want to check out the settings that are available in that version.

Video Resources

If a video guide seems more handy to you, then check it out below! 🙂

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