
Quick Look

Layout options in action

Changing the general layout of your website is simple! Blocksy comes in really handy providing options to get that perfect design!

Granular Controls

Maximum Site Width – this is the option that will let you set the maximum side width on desktop devices. Blocksy is smart enough to recognise other device sizes and automatically adjust, if needed.

Content Area Spacing – this is the option that you’ll want to adjust if you wish to change the spacing between the actual content of your pages/posts and the header and footer.

Narrow Container Width – when designing a page or post, you will have an option to select a Narrow look. This option will let you adjust the width of that!

Wide Alignment Offset – when using the wide alignment option inside of the Gutenberg editor, you will notice that the block might get outside of the container width — this option will let you control how far the block extends.

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