Manage Options

Quick Look

Manage Options pane in Action

With Blocksy, you can easily transfer your customisation settings between different installations. For example, you have your own staging localhost environment, where you have made some changes and want to quickly transfer them to the production version.

Blocksy easily lets you do that with the help of the Manage Options pane. The pane will easily let you:

  • Export Options – this option quickly exports the Customiser options into a file
  • Import Options – this option will let you choose a locally stored file to import the Customiser settings from
  • Copy Options – this is the bonus feature. It will let you transfer the Customiser settings between the Child / Parent theme, handy if you’ve recently switched to the Child theme.
  • Reset Options – this option RESETS the Customiser settings to default. Be careful!

Due to the way WordPress works, the Child and Parent theme have different configurations. If you switch from the Parent to the Child theme, you will notice that your Customiser settings are not the old ones. Simply use the Copy Options feature to quickly transfer these settings.

Important Notice
The Export Options, Import Options and Copy Options are accessible only if the Blocksy Companion is installed and activated. Otherwise, only Reset Options is available.

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