Product Reviews

The Product Reviews extension comes in really handy if you wish to create an affiliate marketing type of website. The extension fully follows the necessary Google metadata and outputs rich results to search engines.

Activating the Product Reviews Extension

The extension can be easily activated from the Blocksy Dashboard -> Extensions -> Free Extensions -> Product Reviews. After activating, a new “Product Reviews” entry will show up on your WordPress Dashboard.

Activating the Product Reviews Extension

Working with the Product Reviews Extension

The Product Review Page

Working with the Product Reviews Extension is super simple. If you already know how to use the Gutenberg editor, you will feel right at home. The magic comes with the Blocksy additions.

Blocksy Additions for Product Reviews

Blocksy’s Additions

At the bottom of each edit page of a Product Review, you will find two tabs that let you control various aspects of the post.

General Tab

Under the General tab, you will find the most common content creation tools for the Product Reviews post type. Here’s what each of them do.

  • Review Entity – this lets you set the type of review. Books, Movies, Games are a sample of what you can choose.
  • Gallery – lets you show photos of the reviewed product
  • Affiliate Link & Button Label – lets you set the product’s URL and button label (this will redirect your users to the linked website)
  • Sponsored Attribute – adds rel=sponsored to the link. Useful for SEO purposes – more information here
  • Read More – lets your visitors quickly jump to the full review further down the page
  • Short Description – just like with WooCommerce, reviews have the ability to display a quick summary of the full review, to quickly gather the reader’s attention

Ratings Tab

The Ratings tab lets you easily display the review score, product specifications and the advantages and disadvantages that come with the product. These fields will be displayed in between the gallery and the full review text.

  • Scores – this affects the rating of your review. You can add as many sub categories as you’d like
  • Product Specs – lets you easily display the specifications of the product you’re reviewing
  • Pros & Cons – lets you easily display the advantages and disadvantages of the product you’re reviewing

Advanced Functionality

Displaying Product Reviews Anywhere

The blocksy_posts shortcode can also be used to display a grid of your product reviews throughout your website. Its usage is super simple.

blocksy_posts post_type="blc-product-review"

This shortcode will output all Product Reviews on a page. For further customizations, you can read the documentation on the Blocksy posts shortcode

Changing the Slug

In case the product-reviews slug is not useful for your use case, you can easily change this from the Product Reviews extension screen. Simply click on the Configure button and input the slug that you want. The Permalinks cache gets automatically refreshed upon saving the changes, so the new slugs are available immediately.

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