Multiple Sidebars

This extension lets you easily create a different set of widgets, for any place throughout your website. You can use our Conditional dialogue box to select where you’d like the new set of widgets to be placed.

This gives you multiple opportunities to further personalise the website. You could have a sidebar just for your blog articles, one for your shop and one for the miscellaneous pages of your website.

Activating the Multiple Sidebars Extension

Activating the Multiple Sidebars Extension

To activate the Multiple Sidebars Extension, simply go to the Blocksy Dashboard -> Extensions -> Pro Extensions -> Multiple Sidebars.

Creating a Sidebar

Creating a Sidebar and assigning Conditions

To create a new Sidebar, simply go to the Appearance -> Widgets section of your WordPress Dashboard. After creating the sidebar, a little cogwheel icon will appear next to it, letting you set its Display Conditions.

With the Display Conditions dialogue box you can select where would you like this Sidebar to appear, as well as User Conditions, letting you display a different set of widgets if the user is logged in, for example.

You can also remove any created Sidebar just by clicking the X button next to its name. As soon as a section of which its conditions were included loses its assigned Sidebar, it will automatically inherit the Default Sidebar widgets set.

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