Shortcuts Bar

Our Shortcuts Bar Extension enables your visitors experience new possibilities and it is super simple to work with. With the help of the Shortcuts Bar, your users can access the most important sections of your website with just one click and this will let you increase your customer conversion rate significantly.

The Shortcuts Bar will always stay at the bottom of the screen and will display the quick shortcuts you’ve chosen.

Shortcuts Bar in action

Customisation Options

Shortcuts Bar Customisation Options

Here is a taste of what shortcuts you can expect to add when working with the Shortcuts Bar:

  • Home – directing you straight to the homepage
  • Phone – hot-linking a phone number with direct dial
  • E-mail – hot-linking the e-mail address of choice
  • WooCommerce actions – actions such as Cart, Shop, Wishlist
  • Custom – custom links that can redirect the visitor to whatever page you wish

Scroll Interaction

By default, the Shortcuts Bar is always displayed on-screen. If you wish, you can hide it while the user interacts with the page.

Display Conditions

The Shortcuts Bar is subject to our Display Conditions functionality, which our users are accustomed to, letting you choose on which pages or devices you wish to make it appear.

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