Added to Cart Popup

Activating the Added to Cart Popup module.

This innovative feature displays a prominent visual notification whenever a product is successfully added to the cart. By offering immediate feedback and encouraging further exploration, the module effectively boosts conversions and drives sales.

The popup not only confirms the successful addition of the product but also provides valuable information such as the product’s cost and potential shipping charges. This transparency empowers customers to make informed decisions about their purchase and encourages them to add more items to their cart.

The Added to Cart Popup module offers a powerful opportunity to increase average order value. By strategically suggesting additional products, you can entice customers to add more items to their cart. Showcase related or recently viewed products to encourage impulse purchases and maximise revenue potential.

Effortless Activation and Intuitive Configuration

To activate the Added to Cart Popup module, follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to Blocksy Extensions: Within your WordPress dashboard, locate the main Blocksy panel. Click on the “Extensions” tab to access the list of available extensions.
  2. Activate Shop Extra: Ensure the “Shop Extra” extension is enabled.
  3. Activate Added to Cart Popup: Locate the “Added to Cart Popup” module within the Shop Extra extension and toggle the switch to activate it.

Once activated, the module becomes operational, displaying the popup after successful product additions to the cart.

The Added to Cart Popup in action.

Granular Controls

To customise the behaviour and appearance of the Added to Cart Popup module, navigate to Customiser -> WooCommerce General -> Added to Cart Popup. This section provides you with a range of configuration options to tailor the popup to your specific needs and website design.

Trigger Conditions

Display Location: Determine where the popup appears – on product archive pages or single product pages.

Image Controls

Image Controls: Manage the product image displayed in the popup. Customise its size and appearance to match your website’s design.

Button Controls: Control the visibility and behaviour of buttons within the popup, such as “View Cart,” “Checkout,” and “Continue Shopping.”

Information Controls

Information Display: Select which product details to include in the popup. Options include price, product description, cart contents, shipping information, and tax details.

Suggested Products

Product Display: Choose whether to display related or recently viewed products within the popup, encouraging additional purchases.

Layout Options: Select the number of products displayed per row and enable a slider effect for a dynamic presentation.

Product Card Style: Choose between a simple or more visually consistent product card style to match your website’s design.

Popup Options

Size: Set the popup’s dimensions to fit seamlessly within your website’s layout.

Position: Choose the optimal placement for the popup on the screen (top, bottom, left, right, or centred).

Animation: Select an engaging entrance animation (fade, slide, zoom) to grab user attention.

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