Quick View

The Quick View extension lets your visitors quickly browse your available products and make quick decisions. It is extremely helpful if your visitors want to quickly find additional information about your products, without navigating away from the product listing page and breaking their concentration.

Quick View in action.

Enabling Quick View

Enabling the Quick View extension.

This option will enable the Quick View feature for the Product Archive pages and the Related & Upsells section of your Single Product pages.

Granular Controls

These options can be found under the Customiser -> WooCommerce General -> Quick View. What does each of them do, though?

Modal Trigger

This option lets you change how the Quick View pop-up is triggered. The Button option displays a nice little icon that you can click on, Image lets you click on the full image of the product and Card completely replaces the product archive card link.

Modal Width

This option should let you modify the general size of the modal, with options that can be changed on a per device basis.

Next/Prev Navigation

Option that lets you add navigation between products for the Quick View modal, which can turn your shop into a minimalist experience.

Image Ratio

Modify how large the image gallery is for the Quick View modal.

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