The Wishlist element provides easy, one click access to the wish list functionality from Blocksy Pro. The widget sits nicely at the top of the screen, placed inside the header and signals the user if they might’ve added products to their wish list. Let’s note down the controls!
Granular Controls

Icon Controls
The first few options will let you decide how the element will look like inside the header. By default, we offer three preset icon choices for you to pick from, but you can always upload your very own SVG icon.
There’s also a little slider that lets you define the size of the icon on a per device basis. Super simple stuff.
Icon Badge
This little option lets you show your users how many items they do have in their wish list. It is a simple counter that’s displayed anchored to the icon that can be customised further, changing its colours from the Design tab.
Label Visibility
This option lets you show the text label of the element on a per device basis.